Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Episode 21: No rest for the busy

Right click here to download the mp3.

Art by Jim Thompson
There is a common saying that there is no rest for the wicked. What about for the righteous? Especially those who are so righteous, they are constantly engaged in "the Lord's work"? Ah, yes, the Lord's work. Didn't Jesus say something about come unto me and I will give you rest? In this podcast, I talk about the issue of busyness in Mormonism. I also alert listeners that this podcast will be undergoing some changes as I step back from the project. This means that it will be publishing every other week rather than every week.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Episode 20: "I have found my violin" — Motherhood vs. Education & Career, Part II

Right click to download the mp3.

Motherhood by Ann Gardner
This is the second half of the interview with Beatrice where she discusses her life after having her child and how she found balance between motherhood and her passion for research and teaching.

What have been your experiences in finding a balance between motherhood and your own dreams and passions?

Beatrice will be watching the comments to answer questions or discuss issues raised in her interview.

For resources and references,
see Part I of this interview.

Episode 19: "I have found my violin" — Motherhood vs. Education & Career, Part I

Right click to download the mp3.

Violet and Her Violin by Ann Gardner
Much has been said about the role of motherhood. Ezra Taft Benson, in particular, spoke at length about women's roles. Because of the strong directive to stay at home and be mothers, many women have felt conflict over desires to pursue educational and career opportunities. More recently, leaders have spoken of the importance of women getting a good education.

In this two-part episode, Beatrice shares her passion for teaching and research as she tells about getting her PhD and having her first child. She compares her strong drive toward pursuing her dreams to the intimate passion a violinist feels for her violin.

What have been your experiences in finding a balance 
between motherhood and your own dreams and passions? 

Beatrice will be watching the comments to answer questions or discuss issues raised in her interview.

Resources from Beatrice
The Crosswicks Journals by Madeline L'Engle

Friday, July 8, 2011

Episode 18: "Looking for Balance" — Courtney's Story

Right click here to download the mp3.

Art by Gina Rose Halper
Part of the aim of this podcast is to give voice to our stories as Daughters of Mormonism. This episode is an interview with Courtney, one of our panelists.

She shares her path in finding great health and connection with the Earth and the Divine through yoga and Buddhism.

Courtney will be watching the comments to answer questions or discuss issues raised in her interview.

Resources Courtney Recommends: